This time I have decided to post not only pictures but some words too :-)
We have spent the President's Day long weekend together with our friends in Death Valley and I would like to share our experience about going there with small kids (there were 5 of them from 1 to 5 years old)). I would also like to show Death Valley in February which by the way is great!
Our plan was to take off at 5 am on Friday (we live in Santa Clara, CA so we had a long drive ahead). As it quite often happens with plans - we took off at 6.40 am instead (although we woke up 4.30..., but you know how it is with children - at least we have someone to blame ;-)). We drove thru Bakersfield to Lake Isabella and stopped there to see the lake. It was gorgeous, quiet and empty! Our girls loved it! They were playing on the rocks and simply enjoying themselves. Our stop was pretty brief and we drove a little bit north hoping we could see 100 Giants (sequoias) but unfortunately the roads were closed due to snow so we haven't seen any sequoia this time. We took a nice stroll by the Kern River and as it was already getting dark, we drove to Ridgecrest to stay there overnight. We stayed in a quite nice and quiet Carriage Inn with huge breakfast included. The deco was... kind of inn-in-the-middle-of-nowhere but this is what we were looking for/expecting when going thru the state to the desert. The only thing that we weren't expecting was a dirty sock under one of the beds. And it wasn't ours... ;-)

Next day we were going to meet our friends in the Death Valley Stovepipe Wells Village around 1pm. Of course everything took much longer than we and they have anticipated and we finally met at 3.20 pm. But before we met, we took Trona Wilderose Rd from Ridgecrest to get to Death Valley. On our way we spotted a sign to Ballarat Ghost Town and as we were still ahead of our friends, we decided to make a stop over there. What a strange place. There were gold mines there at some point, but now there is only one guy living there. His name is Rocky Novak and he lives there with his dog Potlicker. Girls were really happy over there, especially when playing with this big but very friendly dog. The only unpleasant thing were little flies almost everywhere, very annoying at the beginning but bearable at the end of our stay (we were there for almost an hour chatting with Mr Novak who happens to be half Polish half Czech). This place is definitely worth seeing and it makes a nice stop with kids when going that way to Death Valley.

I don't have to tell you how much fun it was for kids. Neverending sandpit and small hills to slide down - what else can a child ask for. We had heaps of fun and stayed there till it was completely dark. The only disadvantage - loads of sand in the car. No matter how hard you try, there is still tone of sand on your children after each meeting with sand. And one more thing - because we were there during a long weekend, there were a lot of people so basically you could not take a photo of an untouched dune.

We met a lady that lives there on her own in a trailer. She seems to be very warm, chatty and happy person. She answered all our questions about the history of the town. I wonder why she chose to live over there?

Here I would like to mention facilities available for tourists. Restrooms are at most major stops (Stovepipe, San Dunes, Badwater, Furnace Creek). These are mostly latrines so don't be surprised by the smell. At several occasions we had to help our girls to pee just by the road. I am not sure if it is ok with Californian law but I don't think anybody minds.
There are very few picnic areas so for example at the Badwater our girls had to eat on the curb (there isn't even a single bench to sit on). And since we don't allow eating in the car, it was a bit of a problem for us. There is a picnic area at Stovepipe and I guess there must be something at the Furnace Creek.
You can use your all-terrain stroller in most of the places except for the canyons. Over there I would suggest carriers for small children.

I read on some travel blog that Artist's Drive is boring for kids. Maybe for some kids and maybe when you just drive thru but our children enjoyed themselves - again they were playing with rocks, walking on rocks, running or... admiring their necklaces. Of course, the most part of it is a drive but you can go out at a few spots and have a walk.

As the day was coming to the end we arrived to the Golden Canyon for the sunset. It was already pretty empty and most of the canyon was covered with shade. Despite that I managed to take some nice shots. Our girls were already pretty tired and didn't want to explore much. The youngest children were in carriers and therefore quite happy.
After the sunset we went to see Harmony Borax Works. Didn't see much except for beautiful, full of stars sky. It was already very cold so after 20 minute stroll, we went back to our cars and drove back to Beatty.

On our way back home, we had one major stop at Bakersfield just to eat something and again we made a mistake of ordering something healthy (fish) instead of burgers and waited for the food for 45 minutes...
Finally we got home at 12.05 am, very exhausted but also very happy that we have managed to see so many interesting, amazing, powerful and sometimes strange places in just 4 days. Our older daughter is talking about the trip all the time and keeps asking when we will go on such trip again.